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This page is dedicated to my books and stories that I have written.

So far I have written several pieces of flash fiction, informationals, and even some on cipher-text.

My first book was written on infographics.  This was a great piece to get me started, but I feel that I am more suited to writting fictional pieces.  I am proud of this one though.  It is in depth, creative, and a great soure for learning infographics.

My second book was a mini book on Theban text.  It is a cipher used by people from all around.  It can be fun to send messages to your friends in a secret writing that only you and your friend know.

My third to seventh books are flash fiction, but these are better known as Creepy Pastas since these particular flash fiction pieces are from the dark fantasy genre, better known as horror.  These are titled as such:

  • A Haunting Picture of an Angel

  • One Baby, Two Cries

  • Furby Infernum

  • Santa's Perfect Lil' Friends

  • Cloyne

I've recently added the YouTube Survival Guide, which is a guide full of tips and tricks to start your own YouTube Channel. I hope it helps you out. ☺

I plan to do more of these, and I take requests.  Requests are a challenge for me, so this can help me and it's fun.

I have also made video game strategy guides and other such informative guides.

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